Airmaster Ultra Air Purification Systems Provide Cleaner, Fresher Air for Your Home
EPA studies indicate that air quality in the average home can be 4 to 40 times dirtier than the outside air, which can be concerning when you think about how much time you and your family spend indoors. Fortunately, RainSoft of Connecticut offers a solution: our Airmaster Ultra air purification systems. These systems use two air purification technologies to provide the cleanest, best-quality air possible. From our location in Farmington, Connecticut, we are pleased to serve homeowners from central Connecticut to southern Massachusetts.
How Does the Airmaster Ultra Air Purification System Work?
It’s important to note the Airmaster Ultra is an air purifier, rather than simply an air filter. Air filters work by physically trapping particles as the air passes through the filter, which is typically effective for larger particles but may not be as effective for smaller particles. Eventually, the filter will become clogged with particles and will need to be replaced. On the other hand, an air purifier actually neutralizes any harmful microbial matter instead of simply aiming to collect it.
The Airmaster Ultra is installed into the air duct in your home’s heating and cooling system, and it uses ultraviolet (UV) light and ozone to purify the air. The UV lamp helps reduce common bacterias and molds, while the ozone reduces odors from cooking, pets, and other sources.
Whenever your heating or cooling system is on, the Airmaster Ultra works silently and continuously to clean and freshen the air throughout your entire home. It uses less power than a standard light bulb, only drawing 47 watts of electricity. The unit requires minimal maintenance, and its operational status is easy to check via the LED indicators on the unit itself or with a remote status indicator.
Learn More
Contact RainSoft of Connecticut today to learn more about our Airmaster Ultra air purification systems.